Monday, June 17, 2013

Final Fantasy XV Impressions

"The Official Logo for Final Fantasy - XV"

Hello Nanachie Wakeshima here! Today I'm going to blog about my views and impressions about FFXV.
As well all know, Noctis's Story will be shown on Final Fantasy Versus XIII way back 2011. But Mr. Tetsuya Nomura announced at e3 2013 that Final Fantsay Versus XIII is cancelled and turned into FFXV. It is pretty bothersome for some FF fans because somehow they waited for this game. To be honest I thought it will be released on PS3 but it'll be released on PS4 and that's a total bummer if you ask me.

"Final Fantasy Versus XIII Official Logo"

I was still wondering why the sudden change and change of console from PS3 to PS4? But what matters to me is I hope that they won't bring my hopes down to the actual gameplay. You know why? If you seen the trailer really carefully it seems that the character's expression, detail and design are pretty human like already. They are getting the pores of the skin, wrinkles and freckles. So the "Bishounens" turns into a "Shounen" character where it shows that there are flaws on the skin.


"Ignis Stupeo Scientia"

I am looking forward for this character because it was said that he is a strategist, he wields a katana and HIS VOICE ACTOR IS MAMORU MIYANO! *coughs* Sorry for that... Now what is so special about this game? Why am I still hyped?

1. It is something that I can still look forward to. - Come on people admit it. I was displeased at first that it didn't release on PS3 but maybe Square Enix has a good reason why they placed the game to PS4. I personally don't like to rush myself into the latest so much... I have a lot games to deal with so its worth a wait.

"Half Mugshot of all FFXV Characters"

"Young Noctis"

"Adult Noctis with Prompto"

 2. The Characters - I can say that the character design is more on MANLIER than the first games it took to a different level. Yes, the girls are still cute yet they made it "CRISP" more "OUMPH" factor for the characters. Although the weapon of Noctis is like Cloud Strife Sword so Noctis is not an interesting character for me. I like Prompto and IGNIS SCIENTIA! (Think about Final Fantasy Advent Children with that Sephiroth fight scene where he releases multiple swords mid-air)

3. The New Battle System - Evolution is everything right? I find it outstanding though. I know, I know. There are some players that likes the turned based system where Final Fantasy is really known. But hey, give it a chance you might like it as for me I find really interesting, its like Final Fantasy XII in a more different way. I might say its more interactive more action more feels. But I still love our oldschool FF turned based games are the good ones too especially FFVII, FFVIII and FFX.

4. Story Delivery - I think the game is more action based where you interact with the situation of every scene where it is more enjoyable than watching too much cinematic cutscenes.


"Prompto Helping Noctis"

"Gladio Blocks Enemy"

"Characters helping all together"

5. The "Help Your Party Member" System - At the Trailer there are characters that helps Noctis when he is cornered or he's in danger. The A.I will help him out right away.  I might say it shows team work. Which is its pretty cool.

You know I just don't get that some people misjudges the game because it was cancelled and re-numbered. I hope that you give it chance atleast check it out first because we haven't seen everything yet.

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